This update will cover all things business related, specifically addressing the law as well as trends that impact employers and their relationships with employees, including but not limited to litigation. Moreover, while the employer/employee relationship is of significant concern for any business, the update will also focus on issues as they relate to businesses who find themselves in disputes with other entities and/or individuals as well as those situations where shareholders and/or LLC members find themselves in disputes amongst themselves as employers’ issues are not simply confined to those covered by employment law. This update will provide timely information relevant to employer/businesses whether that pertains to significant court decisions, trends and news that employers/businesses should be aware of as they navigate the operation of their life’s work.

Severance Agreements – Part Deux

In February, I wrote regarding the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) recent decision in McLaren McComb on this blog. That decision held that an employer violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act by proffering severance agreements containing overly broad non-disparagement and confidentiality clauses. That decision has caused quite a bit of consternation on the part…